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A points system

AutismFather AutismFather: over 3 years ago

My existing website uses points for making purchases in my store, not money. Players earn points by things they do on my Minecraft server and on the website. I am moving over to namelessmc though and notice your store module doesn't have any such option.
Would it be at all possible to make some sort of system where things that players do can reward them with points?

I imagine it can't be integrated with other modules or namelessmc's spigot plugin or anything, but even if we could just manually adjust players points and they could use those points towards purchases? Maybe even an option to use $ to buy points that way?

I just like to reward players for how much they do and how good they are towards others but I'm not about to give them real money. A points system would be an amazing incentive to get players doing more.

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Partydragen Partydragen: over 3 years ago

It is planned to make a credits system very soon and a longer term plan to add credits reward on certain events on website also that modules can integrate into it

Im also planning to adding a gateway that using ingame currency using plugins
Im also planning to add a mysql gateway so user can self configurate any possible ways to integrate they system

pretty much having huge plans around this

Partydragen Partydragen: over 2 years ago

Marking this as complete as credits system is added to store module in the latest update and there is also api endpoints for other websites/plugins to reward credits etc

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Store Module