Lets say you have 3 ranks on your website Beginner, advanced, expert and they each cost $5, $10, $20 respectfully.
now if a user buys the advanced rank, have the option to disable or hide the beginner rank, since everything included in the beginner rank is included with the advanced rank, this will prevent the miss purchase of products that would become useless (granted most people wouldn't buy a rank 1 after rank 2 but this is to protect us) we would like to not have to worry about chargebacks because of misunderstandings,
additionally have a upgrade section to the products, a example would be if a user buys beginner rank and wants to buy expert rank they wouldn't have to pay 20 for expert rank since they already paid 5 for beginner they would pay the difference so maybe have field on expert that says if a user owns X product this product would cost them y amount, and have it so we can add different discounts for a variety of ranks.
I would love to be able to discount items depending on previously purchased items. Eg.
Rank 1 = 5$
Rank 2 = 10$
Rank 3 = 20$
Player purchases rank 1, now rank 1 buy button is disabled and rank 2 is 5$, rank 3 is 15$